

Since its move to East Jerusalem 50 years ago, The St John Ophthalmic Hospital has evolved into a series of centres of ophthalmic excellence right across the occupied Palestinian territory. Though a mere fifty years is nothing when compared to the 128 years that the Hospital has been in the Holy Land – and pales into insignificance alongside the original Order of St John Hospital, established in Jerusalem in 1099 – the last half a century has seen some momentous changes in the nature of what has become the modern Hospital Group. Here we take a look back at some of the greatest achievements accomplished during these 50 years, which serve to highlight just how much of an impact our charity continues to make in a very troubled region of the world

Please click on the link for the website of the Hospital for further information. http://www.stjohneyehospital.org

Please make all cheques payable to the St. John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group
All donations sent direct to the hospital will not be recorded at Mark Masons' Hall. Please ensure your donations are sent to Linda Read, Charities Finance Manager, Mark Masons' Hall, 86 St James's Street, London SW1A 1PL to make sure it is entered on the Great Priory Summons.

Museum of The Order of St John

Why not pay a visit to The Museum of The Order of St John in Clerkenwell, London. Entrance is free and for larger parties a guided tour can be arranged. Click on the link and visit their website for further information http://www.museumstjohn.org.uk


Please take some time to have a look at the information provided and if you have a query or cannot find what you are looking for please contact:

Darren Coleman-Heald
Charities Manager

Charities Office
Mark Masons' Hall
86 St James's Street


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