There were 375 Mark Master Masons from our District and from other Provinces, other Districts and other Mark Grand Lodges worldwide at the Grand Assembly Lodge Meeting on the Saturday morning in the “Crystal Auditorium” of the Hotel Gran Bali. The meeting was directed with experience and in perfect form in the east by the Right Worshipful District Grand Master, Barrie Roy Mansell. The ceremony also ran smoothly thanks to the fine work floor of the District Grand Director of Ceremonies, Worshipful Brother David Wynn and his Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies, Worshipful Brother Richard Teff along with numerous Assistant District Directors of Ceremony.
The business of the day flowed thanks to the leadership of the District Grand Master and the confidence he places in myself; Worshipful Brother Chris Langley as the District Grand Secretary but, most of all, because of my Secretariat team, who are indispensable to me, are the key to the success of the whole weekend. All the Officers, promotions and ranks were invested in due form. Quite an achievement!
Though reserved by nature, the Lodges of the District must also thank the District Grand Registrar, Worshipful Brother Adrian Brooks for so efficiently organising the distribution of the new dual language ritual books which were gifted by the District Grand Master to all our members between 9am and 10.30am on the morning of the meeting. Of the 375 attending the Grand Assembly, after the ceremonial meeting 335 retired for refreshments in the “Bar Illa” (Island Bar) and at 2pm attended the District of Spain Grand Assembly Festive board. There was a fantastic fraternal spirit during the Festive Board where new friends were made and old acquaintances re-united. The success of the Festive Board was a certainty thanks to the dedication of the Assistant District Grand Master, Worshipful Brother Terry Porter, assisted by Brother Paul Mansell and the enthusiastic young Mark Man, Brother Hiten Patel.
At the “Mark Smith Talk” and the District Grand Master’s “Greet and Meet” Cocktail reception, held on the Friday afternoon and evening, there were over 300 Mark Men and their partners in attendance. Again a record breaking figure for the District of Spain. Mark Smith reviewed brilliantly with amusing stories and anecdotes his career in television and particularly the “Antiques Roadshow”.
Talking about friends and partners, the increase in attendance of the partners of the Mark Men attending the Grand Assembly meeting on the Saturday morning meant that, for purely logistical reasons, we had to “Cap” attendance to 90 for the “Friends of Mark Excursion'' to the largest shoe factory in Spain and a well known typical restaurant for lunch.
Thanks to the excellent organisation skills of Julie Mansell and Wendy Porter, the excursion was great fun and very enjoyable for the lucky partners of Mark Men who were allocated places on the trip on a “first come first served” basis.