Great Priory of Malta Meeting - 2023

On Tuesday, 21 November 2023, Brother Knights from across the Constitution, and the worldwide Great Priory of Malta community gathered at Freemasons’ Hall, London for the Annual Chapter of the Great Priory of Malta.
The meeting was presided over by the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master, Paul Raymond Clement, G.C.M. A first and pleasant duty was to appoint to the honour and dignity of Knight Commander of the United Orders, John Herbert Prizeman who, in addition to his great support for this Order, is perhaps best known to us as Pro Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons.
The next item of business was to announce the re-appointment of R.E.Kt. Jonathan Charles Whitaker, K.C.M., as Great Prior of Malta, followed by the appointment of V.E.Kt. Alan Thomas Howls as Great Sub-Prior of Malta.
The meeting was then handed over to the Great Prior of Malta to begin the Installation of Knight John Boyington, as a Knight of Malta. This is unique among our Orders, being the only Annual Investiture Meeting during which a full Masonic Degree Ceremony is worked on a true Candidate.
While the Candidate retired to the Guard room to receive the Degree of Knight of St Paul, The Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master was delighted to confer appointment to, or promotion in, Great Rank on 142 Brethren and invest those present.
When the Candidate was re-admitted the ceremony proceeded with the degree being conferred by the Officers of Great Priory, led superbly by the Great Prior of Malta.
We thank everyone who attended for their wonderful support for this meeting and our Order. It has become an annual event to look forward to for many of our Brother Knights and we hope to see you again next year.
You can read the text of the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master’s address here.