Mark Masons’ Hall Charities

Welcome to “Charities” website of Mark Masons’ Hall


Within the site there is a separate page for each of the Orders that are administered from Mark Masons’ Hall that have a charitable function. Each of these pages contains information regarding the charitable works undertaken by the Order concerned and on how to apply. Each Order’s page also has the required forms attached for easy download and/or print for your use.

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Grand Opening of Woodland House in Birmingham


 Yesterday marked a significant milestone for both the hospital and charity, and this achievement is entirely attributed to your kindness. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the Brothers and their families who generously contributed to the M.B.F. fund. It is because of your support that we were able to make a grant of £100,000 to establish #WoodlandHouse, the new dedicated centre for pregnancy and baby loss.

To support this grand opening, present were R.W.Bro. Archibald I. Torrance, P.Prov.G.M. (Kent), President of the Mark Benevolent Fund; W.Bro. Darren W. Coleman‑Heald, P.G.S.D., Charities Manager at Mark Masons’ Hall; Prov.G.M. (Warwickshire) R.W.Bro. Philip Wills; and A.Prov.G.M.(Warwickshire) W.Bro. Nigel Clemson.


Please take some time to have a look at the information provided and if you have a query or cannot find what you are looking for please contact:

Darren Coleman-Heald
Charities Manager

Charities Office
Mark Masons' Hall
86 St James's Street


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